Elden Ring Lore Primer Part 2
So to recap, we have 3 interconnected families:
Marika and Godfrey, whose children were Godwyn, who is dead at the game’s beginning and was also the inciting event of the Shattering;and the two Omen twins, Morgott and Mohg.
Next we have Radagon and Rennala, whose children were Ranni, Rykard and Radahn. With Ranni being the Empyrean among them, who is also responsible for Godwyn’s death.
And finally, we have Marika and Radagon, the one god with two aspects; who fell in love with themself and whose children are the twin Empyreans, Malenia and Miquella.
The world is in chaos after the shattering of the Elden Ring and the wars which follow and this is where the player comes in.
You play as one of the Tarnished.
The Tarnished are people who were banished from The Lands Between as they lost the “grace” which is granted to all living things by the Erd Tree.
The Shattering of the Elden Ring caused the Tarnished to be drawn back to the lands between by Lost Grace - which are small beacons of divine light from the Erd Tree.
These beacons of Lost Grace play the role of the Dark Souls Bonfires in this game and much like Dark Souls’ Humanities.
Maybe yonic imagery makes Miyazaki feel safe?
It could just be because as a Maidenless Tarnished, you find yourself drawn to anything which resembles the comfort of a woman - but it’s not that, because Maidenless doesn’t mean you don’t have a girlfriend, or at least not in the way you’d think.
When a Tarnished is chosen by a Finger Maiden, they are given the ability to harness the power of Runes to make themselves stronger- which is the narrative justification for being able to level up your character.
The Finger Maiden who chooses the player is Melina, not to be confused with Malenia.
Melina is also nice enough to provide you with your trusty double-jumping steed Torrent.
Not a lot is known about Melina - other than that she offers to aid the play in their quest to become Elden Lord, if you agree to lead her to the Erd Tree. Though smart money says that she’s another daughter of Marika, if her name which starts with M is any indication.
She will periodically visit you during your quest, by meeting you at sites of grace after significant story progress is made.
That is unless you make a pact with the Lord of Frenzied Flame, in which case she abandons you- though luckily, even on that dark ending path, you retain the horse and the ability to level up.
You’re also welcome to abandon Melina yourself at the last minute and side with Ranni, giving you the Age of Stars ending - which I think all fellow GigaChads understand is the correct choice.
This section of the video took me weeks to write.
Not because I didn’t understand the lore or that I am totally without skill in regard to storytelling , but because there is so much here, so many branches to the lore tree if you will, that it was very difficult to distill the parts of the story which are most critical, into a format which people can digest as a segment of a critique video.
I’ll let you decide whether or not I did a good job in this instance, but even if all I was able to do was spark your curiosity a little bit, there are boatloads of lore behind nearly every named character, location or legendary item for you to dig into.
As mentioned before, VaatiVidya is the go-to Souls lore youtuber, Smoughtown and The Ashen Hollow are other good sources, the Elden Ring Fandom wiki and Fextralife are both great places to read about the lore and if you really want to do the journalism yourself and decipher the lore from the primary source - talk to every NPC, read every item description and for your own sanity, take notes.
I’m still skeptical about how much of this lore was George RR Martin’s doing, as everything from the premise to the presentation feels very typical of Hidetaka Miyazaki’s signature style, but considering how much substance is there, bubbling under the surface, I think the collaboration paid off.
That said, I do hope that if the next From Soft game is a similar collaboration, that it does turn out to be good old Brandon Sanderson - because I doubt writing an encyclopedia worth of From Soft lore will slow down his novel output at all, that dude is a book writing machine.